Why must I be a prayerful Christian?
Firstly, let me established this here that you don’t be prayerful because you want God to supply all your needs, you want to live above sin, you want to overcome devil at all time or because you don’t want to go to hell.
The entire above reasons have their own role in our prayer life but that must not be the bases or foundation or strong pillar why you must be prayerful or be inconstant communication with your father i.e God almighty

Below are the suggested reasons why you must determine to be a prayerful person
1. It is a command from the Lord that men aught to pray and not faint. I want you to know that to obey is better than sacrifice. So the first and major reason why you must be a prayerful person is because it was commanded by God almighty

2. Prayer is a system of communication in the kingdom of God while our communication language is faith, so as a true Christian in the kingdom of God you must be very frequent with the communication system of the kingdom which is prayer. This will make you to always have good fellowship with the Spirit God.

3. In other to live a super natural life that God as called us to live because we are born again by the spirit of God and to activate or constantly operate in this new life you have to be a prayerful person.

4. You must be a prayerful person because you are into a ministry called ministry reconciliation, you are to turn people from darkness to light and from sinful life to righteous life. The ministry is for every believer and not for ‘pastors or evangelist’ alone it is for every true followers of Christ. You are agent of change in the hand of God.


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